On Thursday, November 22, we celebrated Thanksgiving in Hungary with an American Thanksgiving feast. The first time to cook turkey in our crazy oven was a scary experience; especially since I was cooking 6 huge turkey breasts. I put them in a Hungarian turkey baking bag and stuffed them into a pan that fit in the oven (the first one we tried didn't fit). I wasn't sure how long to cook the turkey breasts, so left it in 2 1/2 hours and then took it out to check it. I figured that if it wasn’t done, we could put it back in another bag and cook it longer, but it was done. With the turkey cooked and Sister Weberg slicing it, I made a big pot of gravy. Then I began throwing all the ingredients for stuffing into a bowl that I had measured the previous day, and baked one pan while getting the next pan ready for baking. While the second pan was baking, I threw all my premeasured ingredients for Frog Eye Salad together. Unlike last year, the whip cream even whipped up like it should. :) Then, we called Elder Cummings to come pick up all of our food and take it to the church. It was way too much to walk over with! We walked and our food got to ride in the car. :)
Our lovely turkey breasts and Sister Cummings' turkey thighs.
We had mashed potatoes and gravy also. |
The stuffing and veggies. |
One of the Frog Eye salads.
We assured our Hungarian friends that it wasn't really frog eyes. :)
The Hungarian members brought the desserts |
One group of our Hungarian friends with
YSA Counsel member & Relief Society President at the head of the table! |
Another group with President & Sister Szilagyi at the head of the table
and Elder D. and Elder and Sister Cummings on the right. |
A table with some of our YSA's and Sister Missionaries. |
Table with missionaries, branch members and our soon to be baptized YSA. |
One more table of friends. :) |
Our table with Vili and Agi Sister Hanson and Sister Weberg. |
Everyone had a good time tonight! And they certainly got enough to eat!!
Happy Thanksgiving from Hungary!